Stage::find() Examples Syntax Java Scratch Parameters Return Stage::find() Returns a list of all objects of a certain class, which are currently on the stage. It does not matter if they are visible or not. Examples import org.openpatch.scratch.Sprite; import org.openpatch.scratch.Stage; public class StageFind { public StageFind() { Stage myStage = new Stage(600, 240); myStage.add(new CustomSprite()); myStage.add(new CustomSprite()); myStage.add(new Sprite()); myStage.display("Sprites: " + myStage.find(CustomSprite.class).size()); myStage.wait(2000); myStage.exit(); } class CustomSprite extends Sprite {} public static void main(String[] args) { new StageFind(); } } View on GitHub Syntax Java .find(class) Scratch (find [sprites]) Parameters Name Data Type Description class Class The class of objects you want to find. Return List find()