Stage::isKeyPressed() Examples Syntax Java Scratch Parameters Return Stage::isKeyPressed() Returns true if the passed key is pressed. Examples import org.openpatch.scratch.*; public class StageIsKeyPressed { public StageIsKeyPressed() { Stage myStage = new Stage(600, 240); while (myStage.getTimer().forMillis(3000)) { myStage.display("Space pressed? " + myStage.isKeyPressed(KeyCode.VK_SPACE)); } myStage.exit(); } public static void main(String[] args) { new StageIsKeyPressed(); } } View on GitHub Syntax Java .isKeyPressed(keyCode) Scratch key [space v] pressed? Parameters Name Data Type Description keyCode int A key code. You can use the enum KeyCode. For example KeyCode.VK_SPACE. Return boolean isKeyPressed()